Sunday 28 October 2012

Advanced Training with Linda Tellington-Jones

 Linda Tellington-Jones in the centre wearing a yellow jacket. Behind in black is Sarah Fisher, who runs Tilley Farm in Farmborough, near Bath.

Just back from a full three days at Tilley Farm.  Linda Tellington-Jones, the founder of the Tellington TTouch Method, was giving an advanced training for TTouch practitioners so that was quite a thing. It is not often that she visits the UK, so Sarah pulled off quite a feat there! The group was a mixed equine and companion animal group which was very interesting and provided plenty of "cross-fertilisation" as far as different approaches go. As always, the dogs and horses were our best teachers. The day with the horses was wonderful.  With equine practitioner, Erica Donnison, I worked with Elska, a lovely, gentle Icelandic mare.