Wednesday 3 September 2014

TTouch Premier in Brazil

This past week saw the arrival of the Tellington Method in Brazil. Two two day seminars were held for dogs and two one day seminars for cats and rabbits. The participants discovered the TTouch philosophy and the three basic pillars of the work - body work, groundwork and using body wraps and other TTouch tools - with time to practise and experiment with the wonderful animals that were our best teachers. Perhaps the best accolade was the comment made by one attendee: "The dogs that left this afternooon were not the same dogs that arrived this morning." Link, the dog in the photo below left arrived in a highly agitated state and after a little TTouch bodywork was able to relax.

It was gratifying to work with so many committed people coming from various walks of life including holistic veterinarians, physiotherapists, a lawyer who works with therapy dogs in her spare time as well as dog trainers and other professionals in the field. One participant travelled from the capital, Brasília, and another drove eight hours from Belo Horizonte.

The door is now open for TTouch in this vast country!
Link relaxing for TTouch bodywork

Didy with her "Thinking Cap" on.

Head wrap for calm and concentration!

Gearing up after a delicious lunch